Manche dauern nur Stunden, andere Tage, doch eines haben sie gemeinsam: egal wie lange die Dauer, künstlerische Workshops, Wochenendkurse oder Lernwerkstätten können das Leben verändern. Britisch Kolumbien hat seit jeher das Herz vieler Künstler berührt, die sich nicht nur durch das Meer und das Land dieser Provinz, sondern auch aufgrund deren ganz speziellen Faszination inspiriert sahen. Nicht umsonst findet man Studios von Künstlern in fast jeder Ecke der Provinz. Nicht alle Künstler arbeiten in absoluter Abgeschiedenheit, sondern teilen ihren Arbeitsraum mit anderen – und manchmal sogar ihre Geheimnisse und Talente. Viele Teilnehmer und Schüler kehren von einem Workshop am Nachmittag voller Energie und Inspiration in den Arbeitsalltag zurück, um ihrem eigenen Talent zu folgen oder sogar einen neuen Lebensweg ein zu schlagen. Nicht nur für ihr Herz und ihren Verstand, sondern auch ihre Gesundheit und die Gemeinschaft, in der sie leben, mag die Teilnahme an einem Workshop, einer Lernwerkstatt oder einem Vortrag genau das richtige sein.
The Canadian International Institute of Art Therapy offers art therapy training worldwide
Victoria, V8S 3H6, 143 Joseph Street Ph. 1-858-457-7515
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans | Education | Healing Arts/Health | Workshops/Classes, Art Workshops)
Capricornucopia Artworks, Rena Warren, Kelowna
Artist - Art Educator - After School Art Classes
Kelowna, V1Y 9H2, P.O. Box 20108 Ph. 250-448-5533
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Art prints, Drawing, Mural painting, Oil painting, Printmaking | Kids & Teens, Arts and crafts activities, Camp/Clinic | Workshops/Classes, Art Workshops)
Portfolio and Information Website for Artist Caroline Stengl
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Acrylic painting, Art cards, Art prints, Collage / Mixed media, Drawing, Mixed Media, Mural painting, Sketching, Water colour painting | Workshops/Classes, Art Workshops)
Certified Master Clinical Hypnotherapist, gifted & guided healer, Hypnosis/ Energy Art teacher and Founder of
Oceanside Art of Hypnosis and Energy Healing Education Centre
President of CHA (Canadian Hypnosis
Parksville, V9P 1K7, 121 Wallis Street Ph. Clinic phone (604) 558 1926 oder (250) 937 0480
(Healing Arts/Health, Hypnosis | Workshops/Classes, Health and Healing Workshops)
fine arts, digital photographic arts, graphic design consultation
Kelowna, V1Y 6Z1, 421 Cawston Avenue, Studio 205 Ph. 1.250-763-4269
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Acrylic painting, Art cards, Drawing, Photography | Workshops/Classes, Art Workshops)
For an eclectic art experience - Fibre Arts & More - Unique one of a kind functional art, lessons and supplies
Fort St. John,, V1J 1V4, 10244 - 99th Ave Ph. 250-785-1680
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Art cards, Beading, Fibre art, Hand spinning & weaving, Jewellery, Knitting & Crocheting, Stitchery, Water colour painting, Weaving | Workshops/Classes, Art Workshops)
Judy Chisholm, Keremeos
Garden Statues
Keremeos, V0X 1N2, 815 3rd Avenue Ph. 250-499-2883
(Galleries/ Exhibits/Shows, Studio | Workshops/Classes, Art Workshops)
Lee Claremont, Kelowna
First Nations Contemporary Artist
Kelowna, V1Z 1P1, 730 Kerry Lane Ph. 250 769 3283
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Aboriginal arts/ First Nation, Acrylic painting | First Nations | Workshops/Classes, Art Workshops)
Chemainus, V0R 1K2, 3121 Channel Blvd. Ph. 250-246-9943
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Foundry, Sculpting, Stone carving | Galleries/ Exhibits/Shows, Studio | Workshops/Classes, Art Workshops)
The Coast Collective at Esquimalt Lagoon will be a dynamic, exciting centre promoting local art and culture. A destination for tourists and local residents alike, the elegant gallery and gift shop will showcase the best work of Island artists.
Colwood, v9c1y8, 3221 Heatherbell Rd. Ph. 250-391-5522
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans | Arts Community, Arts Group | Galleries/ Exhibits/Shows, Gallery | Kids & Teens, Arts and crafts activities, Camp/Clinic | Literary Arts | Workshops/Classes, Art Workshops)
First Nation Master Carver, Herb Rice, carves beautiful solid wood custom made doors, totems, masks, talking sticks, walking sticks, panels and plaques.
Cowichan Bay, V0R 1N1, 4705 TransCanada Highway Ph. 250-701-3086
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Aboriginal arts/ First Nation, Wood carving/turning | First Nations | Workshops/Classes, Art Workshops)
Pynelogs Cultural Centre & Art Gallery - home of the Columbia Valley Arts Council
Invermere, V0A 1K0, 1720 - 4th Avenue, Box 2345 Ph. 250.342.4423
(Arts Community, Arts Council | Galleries/ Exhibits/Shows, Public Art Gallery, Studio | Kids & Teens | Literary Arts | Music | Performing Arts | Workshops/Classes, Art Workshops)
Qualicum Beach, V9K 1Y2, 1471 Winchester Rd. Ph. 800-251-9246 oder 250-752-0395
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Acrylic painting, Art cards, Art prints, Drawing, Oil painting, Pastel painting | Galleries/ Exhibits/Shows, Studio | Workshops/Classes, Art Workshops)
Ph. 1-858-457-7515
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans | Education | Healing Arts/Health | Workshops/Classes, Art Workshops)