This is a working Fibre Arts Studio where Cheryl creates unique functional art pieces. Working mainly in Handweaving & hand spinning as well as knitting. The range of products include: household items (t-towels, placemats, rugs, lacey curtains) clothing (scarves, shawls, ponchos, capes, headwear)and accessories. For the most part Cheryl works in natural fibres including: Wool, silk, bamboo, tencel, cotton, linen, hemp and so on, unless a commission requests man made fibres. Along with items of her own creation Cheryl gladly accepts commission orders - finding working to another individuals specifications an interesting challenge.
Many of Cheryl's works have found their way around the world - Japan, Australia, Singapore, Southern California and the African Continent.

In the studio Cheryl works on a 45" Leclerc floor loom as well as a 24" 12 harness table loom. Of course there are several others still lurking around home. Along with weaving Cheryl learned to spin on an Ashford traditional wheel, which is still in use , however she is now spending more time on a Majacraft Suzie Pro - a modern smooth wheel.

Cheryl Peebles Studio & Gallery not only offers unique functional art of Cheryls creation but that of contributing artists as well. The studio also offers lessons, equipment rental (in studio) and materials & equipment for sale. Available in studio as well as mail order. Focusing on Natural Fibres: threads available include Euroflax original, British Mohair, 2/8 unmercerized cotton, White yarns for dyeing, Jagger Spun, Gaywool Dyes, Tencel, Bamboo - amazing knitting yarns - unique & fancy. Fabulous spinning fibres -local raised Shetland, Romney X, Heather Brown/Grey Romney X, Alpaca and Llama. Ashord, Majacraft,LeClerc & Louet are some of the equipment suppliers represented. Within that I try to keep a good supply of knitting needles & accessories as well as weaving & spinning equipment & accessories. The larger equipment being a costly investment I supply by special order only.

Cheryl offers lessons both continuing long term & mini 2 hr. lessons in various techniques. These lessons include Beginner Spinning - on the wheel or drop spindle - Beginners Weaving - from the basic Intro to Weaviing to the more advanced beginners. Tapestry weaving - being a favorite of mine to teach along with Watercolor painting and nuno felting. Ask for Details.
This image is a tapestry in progress.