Are areas of exceptional beauty or cultural significance that are protected in a mostly natural condition. Various business and recreational uses are restricted. They are managed by the Canadian government in Ottawa, Ontario.
Provincial Parks
Are areas of exceptional natural beauty and/or cultural significance managed by the government of each province in Canada (e.g. provincial parks of Ontario, provincial parks of British Columbia). They are classed either a, b, or c, according to permitted uses and activities.
Regional Parks
Are areas of significant natural beauty designated for public enjoyment and managed by bodies associated with local city governments.
Protected Area
Are areas, often within provincial or national parks, which are designated as having exceptional biological or cultural values and may have restrictions on access and stringent guidelines on usage.
Ecological Reserves
Die Gesetzeslage bezüglich des Managements von ökologischen Reservaten ist sehr restriktiv. Sämtliche Aktivitäten, wie Rohstoff-Abbau sind verboten. In diesem Sinne unterliegen ökologische Reservate höchstem Schutz. Der Einfluss des Menschen ist auf ein Minimum beschränkt.