British Columbia Travel Guide
The unofficial BC Travel & Tourism Guide

Newsletter November 2014

Mittwoch Nov 19, 2014

After a busy summer it's time to catch your breath and refocus for most of us.
Here is what's new, what stays the good old same, and things to check out to improve your exposure on GoBC for even more page visits.

The new GoBC design
Statistics and Page Views
What's new for 2015?
Event Calendar - are events in your community featured?

The new GoBC - responsive design for computers, tablets, smart phones
Have you noticed the changes? Clean look - easy to navigate.
Check out the new GoBC if you haven't had a chance yet.
It automatically responds to the size of your device no matter if you're on the road or at home.
We welcome any feedback – please let us know if you have suggestions or comments.

Statistics and Page Views
Our page views are up from 2013 – you can also check the current page views in our “Advertise on GoBC” section. As of today we already had 5,582,210 page views and we will soon surpass 2013 where we had 5,710,418 page views.

And as always if you want to check your own statistics just log into your GoBC listing. For Canada-Travel just send us an email and we'll send you your results shortly.

What's new for 2015?
First of all – no increase in our advertising fees. We are supporting you by having constant annual advertising fees, year after year. There is now the option to renew your listing on a monthly basis for just 19.99 a month. Also added this year – submit your payment with PayPal!

We continue to support arts and culture in BC with free listings for artists, museums, galleries, theatres, farms. and vineyards!

Just log in to renew your listing, send us an email, or follow this link for a new listing on GoBC:

Event Calendar
Are events in your community being featured on GoBC?
Don't miss out with all those upcoming Christmas Shows and festive events, advertise them for free within our GoBC Event Calendar.

So important for everyone in your neck of the woods as it draws more traffic to your area, your listing, and of course to the event itself. You can submit events any time in our event calendar or right in your GoBC listing under “Edit Events”.

Please feel free to pass on this information to anybody that is organizing an event in your area, whether it's artistic, a fundraiser, a concert, or a community event.

Looking forward to hearing from you!