Manche dauern nur Stunden, andere Tage, doch eines haben sie gemeinsam: egal wie lange die Dauer, künstlerische Workshops, Wochenendkurse oder Lernwerkstätten können das Leben verändern. Britisch Kolumbien hat seit jeher das Herz vieler Künstler berührt, die sich nicht nur durch das Meer und das Land dieser Provinz, sondern auch aufgrund deren ganz speziellen Faszination inspiriert sahen. Nicht umsonst findet man Studios von Künstlern in fast jeder Ecke der Provinz. Nicht alle Künstler arbeiten in absoluter Abgeschiedenheit, sondern teilen ihren Arbeitsraum mit anderen – und manchmal sogar ihre Geheimnisse und Talente. Viele Teilnehmer und Schüler kehren von einem Workshop am Nachmittag voller Energie und Inspiration in den Arbeitsalltag zurück, um ihrem eigenen Talent zu folgen oder sogar einen neuen Lebensweg ein zu schlagen. Nicht nur für ihr Herz und ihren Verstand, sondern auch ihre Gesundheit und die Gemeinschaft, in der sie leben, mag die Teilnahme an einem Workshop, einer Lernwerkstatt oder einem Vortrag genau das richtige sein.
Prince George Artists' Co-op was started many years ago by a group of local artists. It is located @ 3955 John Hart Hwy ( in the Old Crown Market).
Prince George, V2K 2Z5, 3955 John Hart Hwy, (The Old Crown Market) Ph. 250-962-0030
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans | Galleries/ Exhibits/Shows, Public Art Gallery, Studio | Performing Arts, Dance | Workshops/Classes)
Artspace 05, Janyt Piercy, Comox Valley
Acrylic & mixed media work by Janyt Piercy
Courtenay, V9N 6W8, 558 - 23rd Street Ph. 250-338-1083 oder 250-338-1083
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Acrylic painting, Art cards, Collage / Mixed media, Mixed Media | Workshops/Classes)
Atelier Pom, Lynden Beesley, Kelowna
Printmaker,Sculptor and Medallist
West Kelowna, V1Z 1Y5, 2871 Lakeview Road Ph. 1-778-755-1527
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Art prints, Mixed Media, Printmaking, Sculpting, Stone carving | Galleries/ Exhibits/Shows, Studio | Workshops/Classes, Art Workshops)
Awakening Wellness is your Centre in Victoria for wholistic therapies including Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Energy Medicine,, Massage, Colon-Hydrotherapy, Ayurveda, Nutritional Councelling, as well as supporting products and education..
Victoria, v8w-1r9, 847 Fisgard Street Ph. 250-412-5445
(Education | Healing Arts/Health, Counselling, Holistic Healing, Massage Therapist, Reiki, Tai Chi, Yoga | Workshops/Classes, cooking classes, Health and Healing Workshops)
Textile Artist--Custom designed apparel, artworks(hangings, banners, pillows, scarves, fashion yardage, quilting yardage and patterns) and Silkpainting Workshops(studio based or your location). Rosome,gutta-resist, natural dyes,shibori
Duncan, V9L 6E9, 5295 Winchester Rd. Ph. (250) 746-6608 oder (250) 746-6608
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Art cards, Clothing designer, Collage / Mixed media, Fibre art, Quilting, Sewing, Silk painting, Stitchery | Kids & Teens, Arts and crafts activities | Workshops/Classes, Art Workshops)
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Aboriginal arts/ First Nation, Instruments making/repair, Leatherworking | First Nations | Workshops/Classes, Art Workshops)
Mud Sweat and Tears
A fresh face to functional Ceramics. Paige Coull uses fine porcelain to invoke her love for textiles, photography, altered art and vintage design. Drop by her studio to hold each piece and see where they are created.
Victora, V8t4A3, 3461 Shelbourne St Ph. 250-886-9047
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Pottery | Galleries/ Exhibits/Shows, Studio | Workshops/Classes, Art Workshops)
Salt Spring Island, V8K 1A9, 175 North View Dr Ph. (250) 537-0754
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Chocolate, Folk Art, Furniture design art, Metal art, Mixed Media, Pottery, Sculpting, Wood carving/turning | Galleries/ Exhibits/Shows | Workshops/Classes, Art Workshops)
Angela Bonten, Kelowna
Fine Artist
Kelowna, V1Y 1R6, Studio 113, Rotary Centre for the Arts Ph. 250 862 5226
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Acrylic painting, Art cards, Fibre art, Paper making | Galleries/ Exhibits/Shows, Studio | Workshops/Classes, Art Workshops)
Boundary Artisan Association, the representative of the professional artists and artisans
from Bridesville to Christina Lake -- Boundary Country.
Greenwood, V0H 1J0, Box 667 Ph. 250 445 9907
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans | Arts Community, Arts Association | Galleries/ Exhibits/Shows, Studio | Music | Workshops/Classes, Art Workshops)
Kristi's work can be found both in children's books and local galleries. Her acrylics, mandalas and children's illustration have a trademark antique sepia look. Works can be found at local arts events and the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria.
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Acrylic painting, Art cards, Art prints, Flower art, Mixed Media, Mural painting, Water colour painting | Events/Festivals, Community Fair, Family event, Festival, Fundraiser | Kids & Teens, Arts and crafts activities | Workshops/Classes)
Nicole Vaugeois is an artist in Nanaimo, BC who specializes in art and photography emphasizing rural life. Her artwork is on display in the Broody Rooster Gallery.
Nanaimo, V9X 1K5, 2980 Giovando Road Ph. 250-245-4405
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Acrylic painting, Art cards, Photography, Sketching, Water colour painting | Galleries/ Exhibits/Shows, Gallery, Studio | Workshops/Classes, Art Workshops)
I have been involved in visual arts since I was a child. After completing my education at The Vancouver School of Art, I pursued a career in film/television/photography. I am currently documenting real events for television and news media.
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Photography | Performing Arts, Film/Movie/Video | Workshops/Classes, Art Workshops)
Campbell River, V9W 2C7, 1235 Shoppers Row Ph. 250-287-2261
(Arts Community | Galleries/ Exhibits/Shows, Public Art Gallery | Kids & Teens, Arts and crafts activities, Camp/Clinic | Workshops/Classes, Art Workshops)
Ph. 250-962-0030
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans | Galleries/ Exhibits/Shows, Public Art Gallery, Studio | Performing Arts, Dance | Workshops/Classes)