Manche dauern nur Stunden, andere Tage, doch eines haben sie gemeinsam: egal wie lange die Dauer, künstlerische Workshops, Wochenendkurse oder Lernwerkstätten können das Leben verändern. Britisch Kolumbien hat seit jeher das Herz vieler Künstler berührt, die sich nicht nur durch das Meer und das Land dieser Provinz, sondern auch aufgrund deren ganz speziellen Faszination inspiriert sahen. Nicht umsonst findet man Studios von Künstlern in fast jeder Ecke der Provinz. Nicht alle Künstler arbeiten in absoluter Abgeschiedenheit, sondern teilen ihren Arbeitsraum mit anderen – und manchmal sogar ihre Geheimnisse und Talente. Viele Teilnehmer und Schüler kehren von einem Workshop am Nachmittag voller Energie und Inspiration in den Arbeitsalltag zurück, um ihrem eigenen Talent zu folgen oder sogar einen neuen Lebensweg ein zu schlagen. Nicht nur für ihr Herz und ihren Verstand, sondern auch ihre Gesundheit und die Gemeinschaft, in der sie leben, mag die Teilnahme an einem Workshop, einer Lernwerkstatt oder einem Vortrag genau das richtige sein.
Nanaimo, V9S 4J8, 427 North Terminal Ave. Ph. 250 754 5254
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Glass art, Mosaic, Stained Glass | Education | Kids & Teens, Arts and crafts activities | Workshops/Classes, Art Retreat, Art Workshops)
Gallery Suite Art-Cation, Diane Walters, Nelson
Vacation Rental/Art-Cation
Nelson, V1L4W4, 1116 Latimer St Ph. 250 354-1228
(Accommodations | Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Jewellery, Pottery, Stone carving | Galleries/ Exhibits/Shows, Gallery, Studio | Workshops/Classes, Art Retreat, Art Workshops)
Painter and Art Educator
Nature and still life genres and art courses offered through Emily Carr University Continuing Studies and private studios. Art vacations to beauty spots in the world.
Vancouver, V5L2Z2, 2063 Grant Street Ph. 604 313 8039
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Acrylic painting, Art cards, Art prints, Drawing, Mixed Media, Water colour painting | Workshops/Classes, Art Retreat, Art Workshops)
Watercolor and Acrylic Paintings, Pottery and Art Instruction at SeaRose Art Retreat
Simoom Sound, V0P 1S0, Box 7, Echo Bay Ph. 250-974-8134
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Acrylic painting, Art cards, Ceramics, Drawing, Pastel painting, Photography, Pottery, Sketching, Water colour painting | Galleries/ Exhibits/Shows, Studio | Workshops/Classes, Art Retreat, Art Workshops)
Fine Art - Oil and Acrylic Paintings in Expressive Realist style - scenes of out beautiful west coast island and figurative works
Union Bay, BC, 5681 S. Island Hwy., Box 146 Ph. 250-335-3234
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Acrylic painting, Art cards, Art prints, Drawing, Oil painting, Portraiture, Sketching | Galleries/ Exhibits/Shows, Studio | Workshops/Classes, Art Retreat, Art Workshops)
Frank is a watercolourist and photographer (teaching both) and has produced instructional DVD's on painting as well. He has also released a pictorial book on B.C., depicting it's scenery, flora and fauna. It also includes 16 painted images.
Coquitlam, V3J 3B2, 965 Regan Ave. Ph. (604) 931-0311
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Art cards, Art prints, Photography, Water colour painting | Workshops/Classes, Art Retreat, Art Workshops)
Lake Country, v4v 2c9, 7425 Oyama Lake rd Ph. +1-403-397-6706
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Drawing, Sketching | Education | Workshops/Classes, Art Retreat, Art Workshops)
Art Workshops | Expressive Arts, Intuitive Painting, SoulCollage | Trust the process ... Art helps you grow! | Art-making as a tool for self-discovery, transformation and personal growth
Ph. 250 754 5254
(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Glass art, Mosaic, Stained Glass | Education | Kids & Teens, Arts and crafts activities | Workshops/Classes, Art Retreat, Art Workshops)