British Columbia Travel GuideThe unofficial BC Travel & Tourism Guide
Since Port Alberni is located on west coast of Vancouver Island, it is great central location to take day trips for different coastal nature or adventure experiences. Sailing, charters, and boating the coast line are preferred, relaxing ways to enjoy the scenery and take in wildlife. Close up experiences with seals, whales and fish (ranging from halibut to five types of salmon) are best found on the water.
The marvelous green forest floors covered by fern and moss, tall cedar trees and lots of shore line scenery to entertain visitors can be discovered in the mountain trails and beaches around Port Alberni. However, if hiking is a serious intention of visitors to the area, the Pacific Rim Nation Park is a top pick!
The city sits close to the water's edge looking down the Port Alberni Inlet. Many of the buildings showcase a wide variety of murals, telling tales of the town's rich history in fishing, forestry and ancestral First Nations culture.
Surrounding wilderness areas are home to dozens of forest animals such as; mink, black bear, deer, bald eagles, swans, Canadian geese, and squirrels.Bevölkerung: 18,500
Pacific Rim National Park
Barkley Sound
Somass Estuary
Robertson Creek Hatchery - open 7 days a week
Alberni Valley Museum - First Nation crafts and artifacts
McLean Mill National Historic Site
Clayoquot Sound
Alberni Harbour Quay - shops, galleries, charter and forestry information.
Long Beach
Many artifacts and current activities stem from the existence of the Nuu-chah-nulth tribe of the Salish First Nations who were the ancestors to this area of Vancouver Island for thousands of years. Much of their life revolved around traditional hunting methods, cedar tree (totem poles, canoes, woven baskets). Current arts and crafts and ancient artifacts in the museum can be found in Port Alberni still.
The introduction to the white explorers occurred in the late 1700's and settlers would emerge to take claim to the salmon (fishing) and forestry potential in the area during the 1800's.
Summer average 19 degrees Celsius
Winter average 4 degrees Celsius
Port Alberni Unterkünfte
Port Alberni Things to Do