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Celeste Varley

T: 250 - 629-6326   write email

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[Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Acrylic painting, Art cards, Calligraphy, Collage / Mixed media, Drawing, Mixed Media, Water colour painting | Healing Arts/Health | Workshops/Classes, Art Workshops, Health and Healing Workshops]
"Glimpse of Heaven" --- by Celeste Varley
Awakening the Creator within.
Heartsong Studio

Are you stuck in a struggle to produce more meaningful art ?
Can you release these three limitations that cage most artists ?
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"The Gift" --- by Celeste Varley
You long to make art that comes from your heart, but it doesn't flow as easily as it seems to in others. Even if you have taken art classes, someone else's instructions don't feel natural to you. You long to follow your creative urges, and make art that speaks of your deepest self.
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"Hearing the Call" --- by Celeste Varley

Whether you're a seasoned artist, a newly emerging artist, or someone who has yet to find the courage to start, you may be bored, unsatisfied, or fearful. You may feel as though you've been sitting on your creative egg forever, but it never quite hatches.
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"The Way Home" --- by Celeste Varley

What's the secret to hatching your full creative potential and letting yourself fly free as an artist ?
The secret to giving birth to art that can soar ---
For living art to come to life, it needs to grow in the same process as every other living thing.
Trying to produce art with only theoretical knowledge is like trying to take flight before your wings have developed. In spite of your enthusiasm, it's a long fall from the branch.
So how do you grow wings ? (I thought you'd never ask.)
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"Cloud of Unknowing" --- by Celeste Varley

If you want your unique creative spirit to soar, these three steps will help you:
Incubate your egg of potential in a safe nest.
Hatch your natural inborn talents, releasing your authentic self, already there.
Nurture your artistic confidence to responding fluently from your heart.
It's as natural as one, two, three. Once your egg is incubated, hatched, and nurtured, you are ready to learn to fly. Then you'll have lift-off !
Read more detail about local, teleclasses, summer art retreats, and more at:
Subscribe to my free newsletter "Fresh Horses" and get the free bonus booklet "How to draw by learning to see." in PDF


Kontakt Celeste Varley

3606, Masthead Crescent, Pender Island, V0N 2M2, British Columbia
250 - 629-6326   

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Heartsong Studio is a working studio, and the location for art classes, but not open to the public except by pre-arrangement.

