British Columbia Travel Guide
The unofficial BC Travel & Tourism Guide

Töpferei in Grand Forks

Potterbees, Sandy-Jo Lewis, Grand Forks

Potterbees, Sandy-Jo Lewis, Grand Forks

Pottery/Artist Bumble bees and berries are just a couple of images that may catch your eye at Potterbees. Decorative functional pottery.

Grand Forks, V0H 1H5, 6179 Beach Road
Ph. 250-442-5583

(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Pottery)
Pottery Etcetera, Marita & Walter Fiebiger, Grand Forks

Pottery Etcetera, Marita & Walter Fiebiger, Grand Forks

Clay and porcelain designs, artistic & functional

Grand Forks, V0H 1H5, 3270 Hall Frontage Rd.
Ph. 250-442-5335

(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Pottery)

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