British Columbia Travel Guide
The unofficial BC Travel & Tourism Guide
Angelique Wilson, Vancouver Downtown

Angelique Wilson, Vancouver Downtown

Specializing in commissions, Angelique is a painter and photographer whose works explore cultural issues and human emotion.


(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Acrylic painting, Drawing, Photography)
Lee McIntyre, Vancouver Downtown

Lee McIntyre, Vancouver Downtown

Metaphysical paintings that explore the inner landscapes of human experience and celebrate our potential for transformation, healing and growth. -- 604.484.1879 -- --


(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Acrylic painting, Art cards, Art prints, Collage / Mixed media, Mixed Media, Oil painting)
Bill Reid Gallery of Northwest Coast Art, Vancouver Downtown

Bill Reid Gallery of Northwest Coast Art, Vancouver Downtown

Downtown Vancouver’s public gallery named after the acclaimed Haida artist Bill Reid. Home to the Simon Fraser University Bill Reid Collection and changing exhibitions of contemporary Aboriginal Art of the Northwest Coast.

Vancouver, V6C 2G3, 639 Hornby Strteet
Ph. 604-682-3455

(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Aboriginal arts/ First Nation | First Nations | Galleries/ Exhibits/Shows, Public Art Gallery | Museum)
SAGE Illustration & Screenprinting, Erin Sharp, Vancouver Downtown

SAGE Illustration & Screenprinting, Erin Sharp, Vancouver Downtown

the Artwork of erin sage sharp

Vancouver, V5L 5C9, 607, 1701 Powell St.
Ph. 778.330.4446

(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Art cards, Art prints, Drawing, Mural painting, Printmaking)
Robert Werner, Vancouver Downtown

Robert Werner, Vancouver Downtown

Online gallery of local artist's paintings


(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Acrylic painting, Art prints, Drawing, Flower art, Mural painting, Photography, Printmaking)
Nick I Gregson  Fine Art Gallery, Nick Gregson, Vancouver Downtown

Nick I Gregson Fine Art Gallery, Nick Gregson, Vancouver Downtown

Acrylic painting

Vancouver, V5K4Y6, Emily Carr studios
Ph. 604-868-1991

(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Acrylic painting)
MiLan Art Ltd., Mark MiLan, Vancouver Downtown

MiLan Art Ltd., Mark MiLan, Vancouver Downtown

Canadian Metis Sash Fashions and Artworks by Mark MiLan

Vancouver, V6B 3Z1, P.O. Box #3838 Station Main
Ph. 604.618.1658

(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Aboriginal arts/ First Nation, Art cards, Clothing designer, Mixed Media, Sculpting, Weaving | First Nations | Healing Arts/Health)
Rojia Studio, Rojia Dadashzadeh, Vancouver Downtown

Rojia Studio, Rojia Dadashzadeh, Vancouver Downtown

Intermediate to Advanced Abstract Painting in Acrylics & Mixed Media- Concept to Completion

Vancouver, BC V6A, 1790 Vernon Drive
Ph. 604 916 5677

(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Acrylic painting)
hautkunst gallery & body art salon, angel  strehlen, Vancouver Downtown

hautkunst gallery & body art salon, angel strehlen, Vancouver Downtown

Original Low Brow, Surrealist, Outsider and Pop Art, Tattooing, Piercing.

vancouver, v5t 1x9, 752 east broadway
Ph. 604-877-0057

(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Acrylic painting, Art cards, Art prints, Calligraphy, Collage / Mixed media, Mixed Media, Oil painting, Water colour painting | Galleries/ Exhibits/Shows)
Jozsef Burge Gallery, Jozsef Burge, Vancouver Downtown

Jozsef Burge Gallery, Jozsef Burge, Vancouver Downtown

Best Canadian Artist

Vancouver, V5K1Z8, 110 - 2741 East Hastings St.
Ph. 6046824422

(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Acrylic painting, Oil painting)
Sude Khanian, Vancouver Downtown

Sude Khanian, Vancouver Downtown

Vaguest Paintings by Sude Khanian

Vancouver, V6H 3z3, 1125 12th west avenue
Ph. 6047101480

(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Acrylic painting, Clothing designer, Drawing, Mixed Media, Oil painting, Photography | Performing Arts, Film/Movie/Video)
Fainting Goat  Studio, Sonya Iwasiuk, Vancouver Downtown

Fainting Goat Studio, Sonya Iwasiuk, Vancouver Downtown

Plaster on canvas with acrylic, charcoal, pastel and found metal objects

Vancouver, V5M 2T2, 1000 Parker Street
Ph. 778-998-7894

(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Acrylic painting, Art cards, Metal art, Mixed Media, Photography | Galleries/ Exhibits/Shows, Studio)
Art Photography, Vancouver Downtown

Art Photography, Vancouver Downtown

Art Photography

Vancouver, v7t2x9, Box 51538, 911 park Royal South
Ph. 604-789-8440

(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Photography)
Fine Art by Charisse Baker, Vancouver Downtown

Fine Art by Charisse Baker, Vancouver Downtown

Contemporary Abstract Art

Vancouver, v3b5e2, 889 Homer St
Ph. 604-537-7313

(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Acrylic painting, Collage / Mixed media, Mixed Media)
VNB Photo, Vancouver Downtown

VNB Photo, Vancouver Downtown

VNB Fine Art Photo Workshops are new Vancouver-based Photography workshops specializing in the teaching of Film Photography. Winter 2012 Online Registration now open! Choose from 9 specialized Workshops! More information at


(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Photography, Portraiture | Education | Workshops/Classes, Art Workshops)
bicameraleyes, Vancouver Downtown

bicameraleyes, Vancouver Downtown

double exposure photography Weaving images together creates a dream-like vision that combines the past with the present and reality with illusion.


(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Art cards, Art prints, Collage / Mixed media, Photography)
David Jamieson, Vancouver Downtown

David Jamieson, Vancouver Downtown

BC Independant Artist/Painter

Vancouver, V6G 1P6, 201-1433 Burnaby St
Ph. 604-329-0143

(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Acrylic painting)

Mooshum's Little metis Jiggers, Robert Kelly, Vancouver Downtown

Aboriginal childrens dance group

Vancouver, V6P 3H3, 1505-7241 Cambie Street
Ph. 604-323-1664

(Kids & Teens | Performing Arts, Dance | Workshops/Classes)

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