British Columbia Travel Guide
The unofficial BC Travel & Tourism Guide

Gallerien und Ausstellungen in Port Hardy

Quatse Salmon Stewardship Centre, Port Hardy

Quatse Salmon Stewardship Centre, Port Hardy

Leap in to Salmon's World! Visit the Salmon Centre and experience the unique exhibits in our interpretive gallery. Take a guided tour of a working wild salmon hatchery. A fun and educational experience for all ages!

Port Hardy, V0N 2P0, 8400 Byng Road, PO Box 1409
Ph. 250 902 0336

(Adventures/Outdoors/Sports, Wildlife | Education | Galleries/ Exhibits/Shows | Kids & Teens | Museum)
Kwakiutl Art of the Copper Maker Gallery, Calvin Hunt, Port Hardy

Kwakiutl Art of the Copper Maker Gallery, Calvin Hunt, Port Hardy

Kwakiutl Art of the Copper Maker Gallery

Port Hardy, V0N 2P0, 114 Copper Way, P.O. Box 755
Ph. (250) 949-8491 oder (250) 949-8491

(Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Aboriginal arts/ First Nation, Art cards, Art prints, Candle making, Ceramics, Clothing designer, Jewellery, Pottery, Sculpting, Soapmaking, Stone carving, Traditional boat building, Wood carving/turning | First Nations | Galleries/ Exhibits/Shows, Gallery)

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