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West Kootenay Regional Arts Council

T: 250-352-2421 or 1-800-850-2787   write email

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[Arts Community, Arts Council]
Our objective as a regional arts council is to provide training, consultation, communication, and coordination which do not duplicate or compete with local arts council efforts, but rather assist them in carrying out their activities more effectively, as well as bringing to bear regional and provincial issues and perspectives, and sharing assistance and expertise often not available on the local level.

Check out our website to read the latest issue of ARTiculate magazine, the Kootenay Arts E-Bulletin and the Kootenay Festival and Events Brochure.


Kontakt West Kootenay Regional Arts Council

Box 103, Nelson, V1L 5P7, British Columbia
250-352-2421   Gebührenfrei 1-800-850-2787   Fax 250-352-2420

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