Bevölkerung: 7,000
Forestry Tour
Gold panning
Helicopter Tours
Rock Hounding
Dan Sharers Aquatic Center
Hope Arena & Curling Rink
Galleries & Libraries
The first European explore to arrive in the Hope area was Simon Fraser arrived after his journey through the Canyon in 1808. By 1846, the Oregon Boundary Treaty signed, establishing 49th Parallel as the Canada/U.S. Border. The first ferry crossing was made at Spuzzum in 1858 and the Lower Fraser Valley population tripled. Later in 1863, the last ferry crossing at Spuzzum occurred as the bridge system was in place and the valley traffic opened up. Then finally in 1929 Hope was incorporated as Village.
Summer average 22 degrees Celsius
Winter average -2 degrees Celsius
Ph. 604-867-9277
(Attractions, Tourist Attraction)