Bevölkerung: 31,000+
Year round – Eco-tours and Recreation
Winter / Spring – skiing / heli-skiing, snowmobiling, cross-country skiing
Summer / Fall - salmon fishing, whale watching
Historic Tale of The Devil Beneath the Sea - Ripple Rock, how it claimed hundreds of ships and fell to a watery grave after the largest recorded man made non-nuclear (and underwater) explosion!
Elk Falls Provincial Park just outside Campbell River.
Strathcona Provincial Park offers picnicing, fishing, camping and more experienced hikes to the Comox Glacier; Della Falls, the highest waterfall in Canada; and the Golden Hinde, at 2200 metres is the tallest peak on Vancouver Island.
Kwkiutl and Laich-kwil-tach First Nations lay claim to their home lands here along the shores of Vancouver Island in the area named today Campbell River first settled by the Wewaykum tribe. The sufficient supply of gaming and fishing did not have the tribes wanting for much. Smoked salmons and vegetation traditionally preserved kept them fed throughout the year.
Summer average 18 degrees Celsius
Winter average 5 degrees Celsius
Ph. (250) 287-3103
(Accommodations, Bed and Breakfast | Artists & Fine Art Artisans | Galleries/ Exhibits/Shows | Museum)