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Clint George

T: 250-770-8104   write email

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[Artists & Fine Art Artisans, Aboriginal arts/ First Nation, Acrylic painting, Metal art | First Nations]
These knives are made from stainless steel and deer antler. They are completely designed and handcrafted by Okanagan Nation metal artist, Clint George. Please check out his facebook page at

400.00 for set
This art piece was done for a friend in Penticton. It was inspired by coastal art, yet is made from my own design. My children are part Salish and I have had many rich cultural experiences with coastal First Nations.

Perfect for a gift, many clients will have the eagle feather engraved with a memorable date or accomplishment.

A favourite of mine, this wall shield uses colour and depth to create a stunning piece.

Full sized detailed Gibson's metal guitar

Kontakt Clint George

RR2 Site 65 Comp 29, 461 Sandy Point Place, Penticton, V2A 6J7, British Columbia

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