British Columbia Travel Guide
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Gibsons and District Chamber of Commerce Office

T: 604-886-2325   write email

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[Business & Services Organizations, Business Networks, Chamber of Commerce]
Is a volunteer, not-for-profit organization governed by the Board of
Trade Act and established in Gibsons on March 27, 1947.

~ Exists to make the community a better place to live.

~ Provides an avenue for business people in the community to create a
positive business environment.

~ Provides the local business community with the means to promote our
community to the outside world-either for tourism or business.
~ Provides visitor services.

~ Works for sound legislation and efficient administration at the
community and all levels of government.
Visitor Services Programs
Summer Hours: Open 7 days a week from July 1st to Labour Day.

The Gibsons Visitor Centre is an approved information centre through the Visitor Information Network Program of Tourism BC. The Gibsons & District Chamber of Commerce has been the sponsor organization for the Gibson's VC since 1983. Sponsor organizations are responsible for the operation and overall management of their Visitor Centres (VC).

The goal of the VC is to identify visitors' needs and interests and assist them in having the best experience when visiting our community. VC staff respond to visitor inquiries in person, by phone, email or in written form.
Our services include:
~ Promoting local products, services and events
~ Providing accurate, helpful and high-quality information about tourism products and services
~ Marketing tourism opportunities through retail sales
~ Booking reservations, package tour sales or similar activities

Kontakt Gibsons and District Chamber of Commerce Office

900 Gibsons Way, Gibsons, BC, British Columbia
604-886-2325   Fax 604-886-2379

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